“Choosing Trust Over Taking Control” | from You're Going to Make It by Lysa TerKeurst

Kaley Olson:
Hello, friends. Welcome back to The Proverbs 31 Ministries Podcast, where we share biblical Truth for any girl in any season. I'm your host, Kaley Olson, and I'm here with my co-host, Shae Hill.

Shae Hill:
If you're listening to this episode as soon as it releases, or maybe you're listening sometime in the future, you'll notice this week we're doing something a little different, where we're doing a podcast takeover. We've actually paused our regular programming to do a five-day Lysa TerKeurst takeover on The Proverbs 31 Ministries Podcast. She's sharing excerpts from her new devotional, You're Going to Make It.

Kaley Olson:
That's right, and this has been such a breath of fresh air for us in the podcast, and I've loved that this mini takeover is going to be something we can go back to when we need a moment to remember that no matter what we're facing, we are going to make it.

Today's devotion from Lysa is titled “Choosing Trust Over Taking Control,” and if you want access to the full devotion, be sure to secure your copy at p31bookstore.com or use the link in our show notes.

Now on to Lysa.

Lysa TerKeurst:
Proverbs 3:5-6, "Trust in the Lᴏʀᴅ with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight" (ESV).

Morning. God is teaching me so much about really trusting Him, fully, completely, wholeheartedly. Though the path I'm on may feel uncertain right now, He's faithful to shed just enough light for me to see the very next step, and this isn't Him being mysterious; this is a great demonstration of His mercy.

Instead of berating Him with my suggestions or projections, clenching my fists and reaching for control, I simply need to embrace the very next thing He shows me and then the next, because here's what I know about myself. If God showed me too much revelation through an exact blueprint of where I was headed and what was exactly taking shape, I might panic if His plan didn't match what I desperately wanted, or I may be tempted to run ahead of His timing and try to make things happen on my own.

On the flip side, if He showed me too little and was completely silent and absent, never revealing Himself or His guidance, I'd be paralyzed with the thought that He'd abandoned me. In His kindness, God gives each of us just enough revelation to keep going today. Most days, this revelation is in the form of an invitation from Him to be fully obedient to Him right now. If I read a scripture verse, I can feel a prodding in my heart. Lysa, are you being obedient to me in this? Or as I listen to wise counsel, I'm challenged. Lysa, are you willing to implement what is being suggested to you in this situation?

Often my confusion isn't because God is being mysterious. It's because I'm not being obedient. As I enter this brand-new day, I'm seeking Him rather than trying to figure out His plan. Instead of filling the gaps of the unknown with my suggestions to God, I'm placing my trust in God.

I want to invite you to join me. Friend, that thing you need to trust God with, He's trustworthy enough to handle it and hold you tightly in the process. We don't have to know it all to trust Him completely. We can take it one day at a time, one step at a time, one act of obedience at a time, one sliver of light at a time. Even if you can't see the whole pathway forward, trust that goodness is ahead. Cling to His Truth and let God light the way step by step. Let's not let fears about tomorrow steal our joy for today. Let's determine today to be seekers of the light and vessels of joy.

Here's a statement to remember as we walk into today: Let's not let fears about tomorrow steal our joy for today.

A prayer to receive before tomorrow: Father God, thank You for reminding me that I don't have to have all the answers. I just need to trust You. Help me to fix my eyes on Your faithfulness. I'm loosening my grip and surrendering all my life into Your loving and capable hands. In Jesus's name, amen.

Kaley Olson:
All right, Shae, this was a devotion for the hard days and not the easy ones. I was recently in a season where I really questioned what God was doing because I felt like the solution was so glaringly obvious, but now that season is over. But looking back, I can see how very in control of the situation God was and how He knew just what we needed, and sometimes my daily doubts make me miss out on the joy in being obedient to know what I need to do about it.

Shae Hill:
Yeah, I think I've been there so many times and maybe our listeners have too, Kaley; so, friends, if you're listening and in this season right now, I hope that devotion encouraged you and blessed you. I know that it did that for me, and if you have a friend who's in the thick of trusting God in the midst of so many unknowns they're facing, I can't think of a better gift to give them than You're Going to Make It. I've heard Lysa actually say before that this book is better than a greeting card that you could put in the mail. It's actually a resource containing the biblical Truth that will actually give them encouragement and practical resources.

So why don't you go ahead and visit the P31 Bookstore at p31bookstore.com, or you can just go to the link in our show notes to secure your copy today. That's right.

Kaley Olson:
All right, friends, that is all for today's episode. Be sure to join us again tomorrow for another devotion with Lysa from You're Going to Make It. At Proverbs 31 Ministries, we believe when you know the Truth and live the Truth, it changes everything.

“Choosing Trust Over Taking Control” | from You're Going to Make It by Lysa TerKeurst