The Danger of Making Ministry All About Me

When you see the word “ministry,” it’s easy to think about people or organizations making big moves for God — feeding hungry children, rescuing those in slavery or speaking in front of thousands of people. But what’s so easy to overlook are life’s greatest ministry opportunities packaged in everyday moments.
When you see the word “ministry,” it’s easy to think about people or organizations making big moves for God — feeding hungry children, rescuing those in slavery or speaking in front of thousands of people. But what’s so easy to overlook are life’s greatest ministry opportunities packaged in everyday moments.

In today’s episode, speaker and author Whitney Capps shares her own personal struggle with turning ministry into “me-nistry” — making ministry and even your everyday routine all about “me.” Whatever your assignment is today, you’ll discover that every call is magnificent because it comes from the Magnificent One.

You’ll learn…
  • The mess you want to run from is the very ministry moment God wants you in right now.
  • Anything you tie yourself to, besides God, will ultimately weigh you down.
  • Being known by the famous and omniscient One is the only validation you’ll ever need.

Related Resources:

  • Are you a writer, speaker or leader? Click here to sign up for the interest list for Proverbs 31 Ministries’ She Speaks Conference.
  • Download our First 5 mobile app to make the first five minutes of your morning count each day. 
Click here to download the transcript for today’s episode. 
The Danger of Making Ministry All About Me