“When You’re Tempted to Judge Her” | from You're Going to Make It by Lysa TerKeurst

Shae Hill:
Hello, friends. Thanks for tuning in to The Proverbs 31 Ministries Podcast, where we share biblical Truth for any girl in any season. I'm your host, Shae Hill, and I'm here with my co-host, Kaley Olson.

Kaley Olson:
Hey, Shae, we're here for Day Two of Lysa TerKeurst’s five-day takeover of the podcast, where she is sharing content from her new devotional, You're Going to Make It. This devotional was written by Lysa and is available in our bookstore at p31bookstore.com if you want to go ahead and head over and secure your copy right now.

Shae Hill:
That's awesome. Thanks, Kaley. Now, let's hear from Lysa as she reads a devotion titled “When You're Tempted to Judge Her.”

Lysa TerKeurst:
Philippians 4:5, "Let your gentleness be evident to all" (ESV).

Morning. Almost every day, I talk to people who are hurting for many different reasons. When we are in the middle of hurting, one of the hardest parts isn't just the situation we're dealing with but also the compounded hurt from others, doing things that unknowingly add to our pain. Assumptions made, blame assigned, labels given, judgment cast. Whether we know someone is hurting or not, we can make a decision this morning. We will be people of gentleness … your co-worker, your friend, the woman at Bible study who never seems to engage, that stranger whose child was screaming in the grocery store, the neighbor who always seems grumpy and complains about everyone on your street, maybe she's processing some kind of pain you don't know about, or she's trying to figure out something very complicated. Chances are that she is facing or has faced something challenging.

How do I know that? Because she is a human living in the same confusing, often chaotic and hard-to-understand, world that often breaks your heart and mine.

We don't have to know all the details of her story, but we can be gentle when we cross paths with her. Instead of our first reaction being to label her based on what she's doing right now, let's pray for her based on what she's probably facing right now, and if possible, why not offer a rare voice of encouragement or an unexpected act of kindness?

We may not be able to help the whole world be a better place today, but why not help the ones God places right in front of us? Judgment can end with us when gentleness flows through us. Together, let's show her a little less judgment and a lot more of Jesus today.

Now, here's a statement to remember as we walk into today: Judgment can end with us when gentleness flows from us.

A prayer to receive before tomorrow.

God, I pray for that person who came to my mind as I was reading today's devotion. I pray for Your comfort and peace to be her closest companion right now. I pray You would encourage the hurting places of her heart. Help her confidently believe You are still working on her behalf, even when she can't see it. When I'm tempted to make assumptions or cast judgment in any way, help me put on gentleness so she can see more of You through me and remind me to do something kind for her. I may not know what she needs, but You do. Help me know too. In Jesus' name, amen.

Kaley Olson:
Wow, Shae, this devotion is such a helpful reminder for the days my fuse may be running a little short and I'm tempted to read into something and make it more than it really is. I know we all have days like that. Maybe I'm just speaking for myself. I don't know. Do you have days like that too sometimes?

Shae Hill:
No, I think totally. I think it's helpful just to remember we're all honestly just trying to make it, aren't we? We're all just trying to chug along together.

Kaley Olson:
I know. I know. And while this isn't a podcast episode, I recommend sharing with a friend out of the blue. I know for me it'll be a helpful resource to revisit in the moment, so I need it most for when my fuse is running short, and I need a reminder to just breathe.

Shae Hill:
Yeah, I think that's so great. And another reminder would be to just read this in the actual devotional itself, so friends, don't forget to visit us at p31bookstore.com to secure your copy of You're Going to Make It, and you can actually join us again for Day Three of this podcast takeover with Lysa TerKeurst, coming out tomorrow at Proverbs 31 Ministries. We believe when you know the Truth and live the Truth, it changes everything.

“When You’re Tempted to Judge Her” | from You're Going to Make It by Lysa TerKeurst