“Who I Am Doesn’t Feel Good Enough” | from You're Going to Make It by Lysa TerKeurst

Shae Hill:
Hi, friends. You're listening to The Proverbs 31 Ministries Podcast, where we share biblical Truth for any girl in any season. I'm your host, Shae Hill, and I'm back with my friend and co-host, Kaley Olson.

Kaley Olson:
Hey, Shae, and welcome back, friends. Today is day four of the five-day podcast takeover. We are sharing some of Lysa TerKeurst's newest devotional, You're Going to Make It. If you haven't listened to the last three days of the podcast, you are missing out ... right, Shae?

Shae Hill:

Kaley Olson:
So much good content.

Shae Hill:
It's been so good.

Kaley Olson:
And short. I love that. But these episodes have been so encouraging and a reminder that no matter what we're going through, there's someone else out there who really does get it, and there are so many more devotions available in the printed version of the book. So be sure to grab your copy at p31bookstore.com, or use the link in our show notes.

Shae Hill:
That's right. So today's episode is titled “Who I Am Doesn't Feel Good Enough.” And, friend, if you've already thought these words today, this devotion is for you. Now, on to Lysa.

Lysa TerKeurst:
Luke 1:38, "‘I am the Lord's servant,’ Mary answered. ‘May your word to me be fulfilled’" (NIV).
Morning. Do you ever struggle with feeling like maybe God should've picked someone else to fulfill your roles, as a mom, a business owner, leader, employee, neighbor or friend? I remember a time when I begged God to make me just like the super-organized mom I heard speak at a parenting seminar. I mentally listed what I discerned must be her secret to success and set about to imitate her. But it didn't take long before I was absolutely miserable. I mentally beat myself up for not having what it obviously took to be a great mom. What was wrong with me?

Then one day in Bible study, I read the story of Mary, the teenage mother of Jesus. My heart beat fast as I realized she didn't meet the standard of supermom that I'd set for myself. Somehow, just as she was, God chose young Mary to be Jesus' mother, and the only qualification she seemed to have was her willingness. We see her trust in God's plan revealed in Luke 1:38, "‘I am the Lord's servant,’ Mary answered. ‘May your word to me be fulfilled.’"

Mary could have easily rattled off a list of the reasons she should be passed over for such an incredible privilege. Too young, too poor, too inexperienced, just a simple girl from a simple town. Yet we find the angel Gabriel standing before her in Luke 1, proclaiming she had been chosen. That she, Mary, was the blessed and highly favored vessel God wanted to use to bring forth His one and only Son, Jesus, the Messiah. See Luke 1:30-33.

Mary had only one question: "‘How will this be,’ Mary asked the angel, ‘since I am a virgin?’" (Luke 1:34, NIV). Gabriel graciously answered, explaining to Mary that the Holy Spirit would come upon her and the power of the Most High would overshadow her. The angel told her about the miraculous pregnancy of her much older cousin Elizabeth, and he reminded Mary that what seemed impossible to her was absolutely possible with God. (Luke 1:35-37)

I confess, I am humbled and amazed by Mary's question. All she wanted to know was how the pregnancy was going to be physically possible. She didn't ask any of the questions I might have been tempted to ask, like, "Are you sure you have the right person? Don't you know how unqualified I am? Have you considered asking one of the women just down the street? Surely any one of them would be a better choice than me."
It's so easy to look around and think there are plenty of other people more qualified than we are, isn't it? All God wanted from Mary was her willingness, and He let me know that day in Bible study, it was all He wanted from me too. He had already given me the exact qualities He knew my kids would need in a mother. I just needed to lift up my willingness to Him daily and let Him help me be the best version of me. Maybe you aren't feeling very qualified today. Maybe you feel like God should pass over you and pick someone else for the assignments He's placed before you. If that's you, I want you to know this: God loves to take ordinary people and do extraordinary things in them, through them and with them. God's not waiting on you to impress Him. He simply wants you to say yes to Him.

Let's stop offering God our excuses, a list of why He can't work in us and through us. As long as we have breath in our lungs, God is still working in us. God is still helping us heal. The key to experiencing healing today is not wishing we were someone else but instead laying down our measuring sticks of perfection and humbly bowing our heads as we offer Him our willingness today. "Yes, Lord, I'm yours. All of me, all for you."

A statement to remember as we walk into today: God's not waiting on you to impress Him. He simply wants you to say yes to Him.

A prayer to receive before tomorrow. God, sometimes I feel unqualified and unable to complete the assignments You have put in front of me. Today, I'm so thankful for the strength and support You provide. Thank You for choosing me and loving me enough not only to save me but also to give me purpose. I'm looking for opportunities to say yes to You this week. In Jesus' name, amen.

Shae Hill:
Kaley, I don't know about you, but I'm saving this devotion for the next morning that I wake up and desperately need to hear those words.

Kaley Olson:
I know. I know. I just have to say, the fact that you guys are listening, the fact that you tuned in today to listen to this podcast, is evidence that you're already seeking out wisdom even when you don't feel good enough, and that, my friends, is a step in the right direction. We're praying that God's wisdom meets you where you are today and His Truth is louder than the doubts you feel about your assignments.

Shae Hill:
This devotion is just one reason why I'm so excited about Lysa's new devotional called, You're Going to Make It. There are 49 more devotions. If you love today's, make sure you go grab the full copy of the devotion at p31bookstore.com, and you'll be able to have that resource full of more encouragement, more biblical Truth. I'm just really excited about it. So, friends, at Proverbs 31 Ministries, we believe when you know the Truth and live the Truth, it changes everything.

“Who I Am Doesn’t Feel Good Enough” | from You're Going to Make It by Lysa TerKeurst