All Episodes

Displaying 61 - 90 of 169 in total

"How Do I Move Past My Mistakes?" With Kaley Olson

A new year can bring a lot of anticipation and excitement. But it can also be a reminder of some things we aren't super proud of ... Maybe you're looking back at th...

"The 6 Most-Asked Questions About Boundaries" With Lysa TerKeurst

Boundaries can feel like a touchy topic. How do we love others without losing the best of who we are? Lysa TerKeurst has wrestled with how to do boundaries well, an...

"God's Best in Your Finances" With Bob and Linda Lotich

Money can be an uncomfortable topic. But what if God has something better in store for the way you look at your finances? Financial coaches Bob and Linda Lotich und...

"When You Still Feel Anxious" With Taylor Joy Murray

What do you do when the "Christian" solutions for anxiety seem to stop working? What happens when we try to put a Bible verse over what we are feeling but it doesn'...

Why No One Wins When a Woman Is Devalued | Therapy & Theology

Have you heard about our new series on Therapy & Theology? "Let's Stop Avoiding This Conversation: 6 Topics Women Have Big Questions About" is here! Join Lysa TerK...

"The Joy of Advent" With Dr. Joel Muddamalle

What is Advent? Depending on your church background, you might participate in Advent every year or you might stay away from it because it seems like a mysterious, a...

"The Holy Spirit Is the Forgotten Gift of God" With Max Lucado

What comes to your mind when you think about the Holy Spirit? Depending on your background, maybe the Holy Spirit feels ambiguous or confusing. Or maybe you feel un...

"How To Unleash the Creativity Within You" with Rachel Marie Kang

Do you think of yourself as a creative? Often we are quick to dismiss ourselves as creatives — giving that description to people who write, paint or sing. But what ...

"We Can't Set Good Boundaries Without Love" With Lysa TerKeurst

Boundaries should help us avoid extremes and live closer to the kind of love God intended for relationships. After struggling with boundaries for years, Lysa TerKeu...

"Answers to Your 2 Biggest Questions About Prayer" With Wendy Blight

Prayer is the place we can entrust our deepest needs and hurts, fears and anxieties, longings and disappointments, and most especially our questions, to God.

"On Purpose and for a Purpose" With Lauren McAfee

What would change about your life if you knew your purpose? Often, we don't live the way we were made to live. But God created us with a purpose. When we know what ...

What If We’ve Misunderstood God’s Intent for Boundaries?

Is it unloving, selfish or unchristian to draw boundaries? Sometimes the whole process can feel unkind or even like we’re violating Bible verses on how to treat others...

"Union With Christ in a Chaotic World" With John Eldredge

After the last few years, we are looking for relief. But in the rush to get our lives back to what they used to be, we are settling for temporary relief instead of ...

"When You're Tempted To Romanticize the Past" With Madi Vincent

When we walk through seasons of waiting or uncertainty, it's tempting to look at the past through rose-colored glasses. We choose to only remember the good parts and f...

"Escaping the Grip of the False Gospel of Grit" With Kaitlin Garrison

Our desire to please God can so easily turn into us trying to perform. But how do we know when we've slipped into striving? On this episode of the podcast, our new fr...

"The Unexpected Gift of Uncertainty in Your Bible Study" With Amy Carroll

It's easy to seek certainty when life feels unpredictable and out of control. But what if uncertainty leads us closer to God?

"How To Live Undistracted" With Bob Goff

Let's admit it, most of us are pretty easily distracted. If we're breathing, there are thousands of things a day vying for our attention daily.

"Using Scripture for Whatever You Are Facing" With Ellie Holcomb

When life feels overwhelming or anxiety creeps in, our first response isn't always to turn to God's Word. But Scripture has the Truth for whatever we are facing.

"We Don't Have To Live Ashamed of Our Bodies" With Jess Connolly

Have you ever struggled with a love-hate relationship with your body? As women, the world has a lot to say about our bodies

"How Grace Saves Us" With Melissa Kruger

Does grace feel confusing sometimes? Maybe it's a word you hear thrown around so often that it can lose its meaning.

"Is Contentment in Singleness Possible?" With Kendra LeGrand

Contentment can feel impossible to achieve, especially in a season of singleness. But if we dig into what the Bible actually says about contentment, we may find a diff...

"Listen to This Before You Have a Hard Conversation" With Lisa Allen

What if the most crucial step we've been missing in preparing for a difficult conversation is first understanding how to best relate to the other person?

What Nobody Talks About: Postpartum and Loss of Identity in Motherhood

Yet most of us either have experienced or know someone who has experienced infertility, a miscarriage, infant loss, or postpartum anxiety and depression.

What Nobody Talks About: What It's Like To Lose a Baby

Motherhood and loss are two things that should not go together. Yet most of us either have experienced or know someone who has experienced infertility, a miscarriage, ...

What Nobody Talks About: Infertility and Feeling Stuck in the Cycle of Waiting

Motherhood and loss are two things that should not go together. Yet most of us either have experienced or know someone who has experienced infertility, a miscarriage, ...

"8 Surprising Things From An Unlikely Book of the Bible" With Kayla Ferris

Are there books of the Bible you hesitate to dive into? Sometimes they can seem boring, heavy or just plain confusing. We understand, and that's why we invited, our fr...

"3 Things To Do No Matter What You Face Today" With Shae Tate

If your schedule feels full and your soul feels weary, our friend Shae Tate has a word for you today. Using Psalm 103:1-5 as our guide, Shae shows us the power that co...

"Busting Out of the Prison of People-Pleasing" With Karen Ehman

We've got some good news for you: It's not your job to make everyone happy! Have you ever said "yes" when you knew you should have said "no"? Maybe you've gotten caugh...

Exclusive Audio Chapter from I'll Start Again Monday" by Lysa TerKeurst

The excitement of a new year means new goals to look forward to tackling ... but why is it so easy to find ourselves in the same old cycle of restarting after just a f...

"How Can I Believe God Protects Me When Tragedy Strikes?" With Lysa TerKeurst and Dr. Joel Muddamalle

Sometimes God's protection comes in packages that don't feel like protection. The Bible says Jesus has overcome the world. But what about when it doesn't feel like it ...