All Episodes

Displaying 91 - 120 of 169 in total

Is It Possible to Love Others without Expecting Anything in Return?

When we really love our people, we go above and beyond to show them we care. But sometimes, loving and serving others isn't easy, especially when it seems like we are ...

Live Full, Walk Free With Cindy Bultema

What does it mean to live full and walk free in a world where temptations are on every corner? So often our humanity gets in the way of who we are in Christ, and leads...

"How God's Holiness Helps Us Trust Him" With Jackie Hill Perry

Deep down, do we really believe that God is worthy of our trust? We learn of God's holiness in the Bible and sing about it in songs and hymns, but have we let that kno...

"Made for This Moment" With Max Lucado

Do you doubt if you can really handle it all? The headlines are disheartening; routines we just set seem like they'll be disrupted (again) at any moment and life seems...

Don't Fear an Untidy Life by Lysa TerKeurst

Chances are, your life hasn't turned out the way you thought it would. Maybe you've gone through seasons of brokenness that made you scratch your head and wonder, Why ...

How To Navigate a World of Divided Opinions

How do we anchor ourselves in Truth when we wake up to a world full of divided opinions each day? What voices do we listen to, and what resources do we trust?

Good News for Parents Who Don't Feel Good Enough

The pressure moms face today is paralyzing. And often, it just feels like too much. We feel stuck between fear and worry, trying our best each day to make sure our kid...

The Labels that Define You

Who were you before anyone told you who you were supposed to be?

Why Do Books Like Habakkuk Matter?

Are you ever flipping through your Bible and passing books in the Old Testament, wondering, "What is this book even about?" or "How is this Old Testament book relevant...

Consider This: What Does the Bible Say About Death and Dying?

Who actually wants to talk about death? We know it applies to everyone, but what if talking about it doesn't have to feel so dark and depressing?

Parenting Your Child's Mind

As a parent, do you ever wonder what's going on in your child's mind? Maybe you're worrying, or even grieving, over the thoughts your child seems to be struggling with?

Breaking Free From the Spiral of Negative Thinking

Do your thoughts feel out of control?

Negative Thoughts Are More Spiritual Than You Think

Our thoughts are affecting us more than we know. What we think determines how we live. And we have a choice to renew our minds. While it may feel impossible to change ...

What the Humanity of Jesus Means for Us

When we feel like our circumstances are just too much, it's easy to feel alone in our pain and believe God is distant. We wonder if He really understands the burdens w...

When Social Media Isn't Working for You

It's easy to see how quickly social media can go from a fun tool we use to connect with friends, to a comparison trap we fall into without even recognizing it. So what...

What Happens When I Forget Christ Lives In Me?

Where do you seek love and approval? Is it based on what someone says (or doesn't say) to you? Your latest big win in your job, getting invited to that event, or if yo...

3 Questions to Ask When Faith Feels Impossible

Do you ever question if God is really faithful? Maybe you find yourself asking Him "why" ... because this plan doesn't seem like something a good God would allow to ha...

Pressing On When You Want To Turn Back, Give Up or Walk Away

Have life's circumstances landed you in a place where you just don't know how you're going to get through it all?

The Secret to Finding Beauty in The Midst of Pain: A Q&A with Lysa TerKeurst

Have you ever wished you could change the details of your story? While there's no denying: There are definitely painful parts of our story we'd love to edit out if we ...

As A Woman Thinks

How are the thoughts you think impacting who you are? Maybe you've built up a scenario in your mind that you were convinced was absolutely true.

5 Things To Do if You Feel Lonely in Your Life

If the pandemic has proved anything to be true, it's this: No matter what season of life you're in, you've faced loneliness. This is true whether you're single or marr...

4 Issues Hindering Your Relationships

What does the book of Philippians have to do with our relationship issues today?

Where Do You Look for Answers When Life is Uncertain?

When life is uncertain and doubts are swirling around, we long for an answer or solution that brings peace and reassurance. As believers, we know we should look to God...

4 Rhythms to Renew Your Mind

Entering a fresh, new year after the one we just finished has left us feeling isolated, restless and bored. We're carrying over routines and patterns we adjusted to in...

Forgiveness, the Doubled-Edged Word

"Forgiveness is possible, but it won't always feel possible. It's a double-edged word, isn't it? It's hard to give. It's amazing to get. But when we receive freely fro...

How to Love Your Friend Through Their Suffering

What's your role when your friend is going through a hard season? When she gets the cancer diagnosis, suffers a miscarriage or loses a family member?

This Habit Will Change How You Worship

Do you struggle to find a reason to worship these days? We get it ... this year has been tough. So how do we worship when there's so much to be worried about?

Learning Contentment in a Culture of More

Complaining and contentment are both contagious. And these days, it's easy to get caught up in complaining. But how do we choose contentment over complaining?

Where Is Jesus in Life's Stormy and Lonely Moments?

When the unimaginable happens ... the deep heartache, the parenting hardship, the bills that keep coming and your finances aren't enough ... where is Jesus?

Why Can't I Avoid Discomfort?

When we wake up, we're most likely not going to say, "I'd like to be uncomfortable today." We crave comfort, but growth will never come from it.