All Episodes

Displaying 121 - 150 of 169 in total

3 Healing Perspectives for Your Hurt or Heartbreak

Do you ever find yourself replaying and reliving the details of the deep hurt in your life? Whether you've experienced pain through an event or a collection of hurt ...

Can I Admit My Quiet Time Isn't Cutting It?

When life's seasons change or we are walking through a time of transition, it's easy for our relationship with God to feel dry - or maybe just plain hard. But what if ...

Consider This: Do I have to honor my parents when it seems impossible?

Question to consider: Do I have to honor my parents when it seems impossible? One of the Ten Commandments is "honor your father and mother" (Exodus 20:12). But sometim...

Why Mentoring Matters

Have you ever been asked to mentor someone, or maybe wanted someone to mentor you, but found it kind of awkward or wished someone told you what to do?

The Answers to Your Deepest Longings

What are you longing for? Maybe you're a single woman, and you're longing to get married? Or you are longing to start a family? Maybe you're longing for a new season, ...

Consider This: Does Prayer Change God's Mind?

We often think if God answers our prayers in the way we want Him to, it validates He heard us, values and loves us. But we can easily become attached to our idea of wh...

5 Ways to Cultivate Peace in a Culture of Chaos

What could church history teach me that would be helpful to me today? Those authors and what they wrote feel out of date, out of time, and out of context for life here...

You've Got Hidden Potential

Do I have to get past all my weaknesses before God can use me?

3 Ways to Find Happiness

We all want to be happy. But what is true happiness? And how do we find it?

5 Truths About God's Love for Us

When life is hard and we see suffering all around, it's easy to wonder, does God really love me? And if God does love me, where exactly is He in all this? Is He really...

How to Pray Through the Armor of God

When we go through trials, it's easy to wonder, is this from God or caused by God? Am I under attack?

3 Things to Consider When You're in the Middle

Chances are, at some point or another, you've found yourself "in the middle of something" in life and you can't help but ask the question: How long will this last? If ...

A two-word prayer that changes everything

In times of uncertainty, our tendency is to hold tightly to everything we have. We want to feel safe and in control of the things we can control. But what if instead, ...

What does God want me to do next?

We all want to know what God's will is for our life, right? And wouldn't it be so much easier if there were a formula we could follow to know exactly what to do next?

How do we pray in the midst of fear?

When we face fear, it's hard to know how to pray for God's covering and protection in the moment. What passage of Scripture speaks to what I'm facing? Where can we fin...

4 Ways to Steward Your Season of Suffering Well

The older we get, the easier it is to recognize that life is a combination of suffering and joy. While we look forward to the joyful times, our suffering has the poten...

How Does 1 & 2 Kings apply to my life today?

Have you ever opened your Bible to the books of 1 & 2 Kings and wondered how you could possibly have anything in common with a bunch of men who ruled hundreds of years...

How Happiness Happens

When you think about what affects your own happiness, you might think about how your mood changes after you've spent too much time on social media or when someone says...

BONUS: How should I handle disagreements as a Christian?

You're happily scrolling through social media to see what's going on for the day, and then all of a sudden, you come across a post that has hundreds of comments where ...

The Secret to True Rest

Are you afraid of losing control or fear the job won't get done without you? Or maybe you think you're resting, but you fill your time with TV, reading or shopping and...

Are You Curious About Advent?

Depending on your church background, you might participate in Advent every year, or you might stay away from it because it seems like a mysterious, age-old tradition t...

A Confidence Built on Christ

Do you ever find it hard to let God work on your behalf? Are you tempted to trust in your own strength rather than let God work things out for you?

The Cost of Choosing Lesser Things

Why is it so enticing to choose lesser things over lasting things? Do you ever pick up your phone or watch a mindless show without thinking anything of it, but end up ...

Holding On to Hope in Dark Times

"Can God be good even when life is not?" It's a question we've been wrestling through together as a ministry since Lysa TerKeurst released her book, It's Not Supposed ...

3 Things I Would Tell My Teenage Self

It's easy to look back and think of all the things you'd do differently in your teenage years, isn't it? Maybe there are some small things you'd change ... you wouldn'...

3 Things to Consider Before Making that Decision

Today is a very special day on The Proverbs 31 Ministries Podcast because ... (drum roll please) we're celebrating our first birthday! Over the past year, we've releas...

When God Calls You, He's Still in Charge

Do you ever find yourself fighting the temptation to focus on what you don't have instead of what you've already been given? When we are actively pursuing God's callin...

3 Steps to Combat Opposition in Your Calling

It seems like every opportunity that comes our way is often followed by opposition. So ... how do you really know if it's God who is really telling you to keep pursuin...

What Do We Do With Church Hurt?

Pause for a moment and think about your relationships ... your spouse, children, friends, co-workers, neighbors. You can probably name some highs and lows of each rela...

Why Should I Fast?

"Why should I fast?" ... is a real question that often goes unanswered. You might hear your pastor, ministry leader or friend talk about fasting and wonder what the pu...